Lest Rapist of Kathua Girl Go Scot-free

Rape and murder of an eight-year-old girl Asifa in Jammu’s Kathua district are so horrendous that it can make anybody restless. Only a devil or monster in the human form could have done it. But look at those, who are most vociferously asking for justice to Asifa? They are those, who have been stone pelters and their sympathizers, rapists of Kashmiri women and killers of innocents, who are the loudest in their demand for justice to the poor girl.
It is a well-known fact that nomadic Bakerwal community is very loyal to India. This community has been giving vital information to the Indian army from time to time about the infiltration of the cross-border terrorists. This community, of cattle grazers, mostly remains mobile in the rough terrains and jungles. Bakerwals do not stay permanently at any particular place giving them the advantage of knowing the movements of suspicious the people. That is why; they succeed in identifying the enemies where even the Indian military intelligence fails. Bakerwals were the first to inform the Indian army about the base camps of Pakistani regulars in Kargil area some two decades ago. They have never been at loggerheads with the Hindus, who are in majority in the Jammu region.The incident has put the humanity to shame and sooner the culprits are brought to book the better. However, there are some gaping holes in the charge sheet that has been submitted before the Chief Judicial Magistrate of Kathua, which has been published verbatim in the Firstpost. It is for the prosecution and the defense to prove their case in the court of law. Nevertheless, one cannot resist asking a question why Rohingya factor has not been looked into? One cannot lose sight of the fact that for the last five-six years after the large-scale settlement of Rohingyas, with the active support of the government, in the Jammu region crimes and clashes have gone up manifold. So if the local populace is asking to inquire into the role of the illegal settlers, there appears to be nothing wrong in it
The incident took place more than three months ago, but nobody of any significance bothered about it. The charge sheet was prepared by an officer of dubious integrity. The former Chief Minister Omar Abdullah, the tweet master, who was very boisterous on this issue or, for that matter, any opposition leader never visited the place. People of the area have been simply demanding that inquiry should be done by the CBI, which certainly enjoys more credibility than the local police, known for the communal virulence.Again there is nothing wrong with this demand.
What was done with that innocent girl was abominable, diabolic and so chilling as to cause goosebumps but if, after shoddy and botched up inquiry, some more innocents are punished and real culprits go scot-free, then it will be an enormous travesty of justice with the departed soul of Asifa.May she rest in peace but the demons of perpetrators of crime on her must get the harshest and exemplary punishment.


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