Appeasement policy is counterproductive

It is a historical fact that before independence the Congress Party was identified with Hindus and Muslims were with the Muslim League. Only a few Muslim leaders like Maulana Abul Kalam Azad and Rafi Ahmad Kidwai were with the Congress Party.They were sarcastically called the ‘show pieces’ of the Congress Party by M.A. Jinnah. It was more or less true also because they did not have any hold over Muslims of India. What is, however, very surprising is that immediately after the partition of the country; Indian Muslims switched sides and became the ardent supporters of the Congress Party. Ordinary Muslims of India were used as sentimental cannon fodders by the feudal and rich Muslims, who spearheaded the movement for creation of Pakistan. What an irony that Muslims fought for the creation of Pakistan with MA Jinnah but stayed back in India, which kept alive the communal problems of the country.
The myopic Indian leadership not only failed to handle the communal problems but kept the embers of Muslims communalism burning for vote banks. The initial beneficiary was the Congress Party but later other semi-literate politicians of regional parties fueled the fire of Muslim Communalism for the same vote banks. These short-sighted leaders got the Hindus divided in the name of castes and creeds, again; for serving their own ends.
During previous ten years of UPA regime another dirty game was played by Chidambarams and Shindes at the instance eminence grise (this French word is pronounced as emino griz, which means a person who does not hold any post but wields much power), like Sonia Gandhi for maligning the Hindus by branding them as communal and Hindu terrorists. That is how many false cases were slapped on them in Malegaon, Samjhauta Express, and Mecca Masjid terrorists’ incidents. Their nefarious game of painting the Hindus with black brushes is now becoming clearer as all the cases are falling flat in the courts of law. Their malicious designs have done much harm to the country that real culprits have never been caught. The way the Kathua rape case is being handled by implicating Hindus is a matter of serious concern, which is clear from the charge sheet and the lopsided investigation. Lest the real culprits slip away from the noose of the law is very disquieting.


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