Not much is to be seen in the crossing over of Anju Thomas to Pakistan

These days love stories of two women namely, Anju Thomas and Seema Haider (Sachin) have become the talk of the town. Both crossed the borders of their own respective countries to meet their loved ones. The latest one is Anju Thomas, who went from India to Pakistan to marry her lover, Nasarullah. Seema Haider has already been living in for nearly two or three months in India with her new husband Sachin Meena in NOIDA. Their love stories started almost in the same manner through chat on their mobile phones but thereafter the similarity ends. While Seema Haider (Sachin) says that she has bid on Pakistan forever. It is now a closed chapter for her. She says that she would rather die in India than go to Pakistan. She has converted to Hinduism and has been observing all the rites and rituals of her new religion.
Anju Thomas, on the other hand, is still indecisive. Sometimes she says that she would go back to India after her tourist visa gets expired. But sometimes she says that she would always remain with her new husband. Nobody knows whether she will come back to India or would stay put in Pakistan. Arvind Kumar Thomas, the previous husband of Anju Thomas is not ready to own her.  On the other hand, Ghulam Haider, the Pakistani husband of Seema says she is welcome if she comes back. This shows the insincerity of Ghulam, where divorce is more a rule than an exception. Anju Thomas says that she converted to Islam to marry Nasrullah, although there was no need for her to have converted to Islam because intermarriages between Christians and Muslims are permitted under Islamic law. Such marriages are called Quitabia marriages. However, if she has converted to Islam, it is good for her. In India, Special Marriage Act exists that allows marriages between two religionists without changing their faiths.
A mountain is being made out of a mole that both women have links with any spy agency. The fact is that nothing can be further from the truth in branding them as spies looking at their status, education and social connections. Anju Thomas should also be allowed to take her children to Pakistan if she wishes to keep them with her new husband. As far as Seema is concerned, it will be a slur on humanity if a distraught woman like her is forced to go back to Pakistan where the lives of her children and her would certainly be in peril. 


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