Historic Victory of Yogi has Broken Many Myths and Superstitions

By Parmanand Pandey

Yogi Adityanath has broken many myths in the UP-Assembly elections. He has successfully cast aside the superstition that any Chief Minister who visits NOIDA would soon lose the chair. Yogi has visited NOIDA many times as the Chief Minister and yet he has led his party to a spectacular win in the assembly elections. Those who have been spreading and perpetuating this myth are, in fact, the enemies of science and the scientific temper. Unfortunately, the opponents of Yogi and Modi have been very vocal in proliferating this myth. Because of this fallacy, Mayawati and Akhilesh never ventured to visit NOIDA during their Chief Ministership, yet they lost their chairs. As a matter of fact, they have been foremost in drilling this superstition among the minds of the people, little knowing that such credulities often cause huge damage to them.
The second big myth that has been broken by Yogi ji is that no Chief Minister, who has led his party to power continuously for five years, has returned to power after the elections. Even Pandit Govind Ballabh Pant and Dr Sampurnand could not complete their term of five years, although in their times there was not even the slightest doubt of the Congress coming back to power. But after 1985 no party or leader has been repeated to power in elections. Yogi Adityanath has thus, made a history, who not only remained in power for five years but has led to the stunning victory for himself and the party in the assembly elections.
Yogi Adityanath is a Sanyasi-king (Chief Minister) like that of Raja Janak of Mithila, who is known as Rajarshi. Raja Janak was an ascetic with a family, whereas Yogi has not only renounced his own family but has embraced the entire state as his family.
The third myth that he has broken is that of the MY (Muslim- Yadav) factor and has got replaced it with another MY (Modi-Yogi) factor. In the second type of MY, he has got support from all communities, even from Yadavas also but Muslims voted against him with all vigour and vehemence. Yogi administration has extended all facilities like; free ration, Kisan Samman Nidhi and other benefits without any discrimination against any caste but due to the toxicity of communalism, Muslims failed to see any goodness in Modi-Yogi.
The fourth myth has been that without the support of goondas, nobody could think of winning the elections, but Yogi romped back home without taking any help from the goondas and mafia dons, albeit he took them head-on. Hopefully, in his second term, YOGI will further consolidate the good works done by him and set many more new records and role models of the government without fear, favour or ill-will towards anyone.


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