Labour laws need to be reformed for more employment
The Government of Rajasthan has taken a bold
decision to amend the labour laws. The state government has initiated steps to
change three central labour laws- Industrial Disputes Act, Contract Act and the
Factories Act -to unshackle them from the stringent requirement of their
compliance. If at all, the Industrial Disputes Act is reformed then the
companies will be allowed to retrench up to 300 hundred employees without
seeking government permission, which is next to impossible to get. At present,
it is restricted to 100 employees. The Contract Labour Act, which once passed,
will be applicable to companies with more then 50 workers instead of the
current 20 workers at present. Similarly the changed in the Factories Act will
be applicable to factory premises with workforce of up to 40, which is currently
20, and without power supply to premises with 20 workers, which is at present
10. Lot of criticism is coming from almost all trade unions including the
Bhartiya Majdoor Sangh, which is an outfit of the Bhartiya Janata Party. The
opposition from the CPI’s, All-India Trade Union Congress (AITUC) and CPI
(M)’s, Central Industrial Trade Union (CITU) is on the expected lines. The
labour wing of the Congress i.e. the Indian Trade Union Congress (INTUC) has
also opposed the purposed amendment being mooted by the Vasundhara Raje
As a matter of fact, the need to change most
of the labour laws are long overdue many of the laws were enacted in the
beginning years after independence and they have, undoubtedly, become outdated.
There are 45 central laws on labour and nearly 200 hundred state laws. The
procedures to be adopted for the compliance of these laws are nothing less than
nightmares for the industrialists. Six lacs labour disputes of more than ten
years old are pending in the labour courts. The long-standing disputes in the
courts have only harmed the interests of the employees because it is very
difficult for them to sustain inordinately long periods of unemployment or
under employment.
There has hardly been any significant job
creation in the last two decades. This is a fact, which has been accepted by
everybody including the government. Why there have not been many jobs in the
last two decades. Young boys and girls, even if they are well qualified and
skilled, find it very difficult to find the remunerative jobs with satisfactory
working conditions. Most of our boys and girls are working in highly
dissatisfactory working conditions where the exploitation is the rule of the
day. There is no doubt that whatever jobs we have today, most of them are
contract based.Contractors often cross the limit of exploitation of the
employees. We all know the reality, politicians know the reality, and employees
know the reality because only the bearer knows where the shoe pinches.
Employers gleefully indulge into the large-scale exploitation in connivance
with the labour department officials. Then why do we not come face to face with
the reality? Why do we look at other way and avoid looking at the problems as
they are? Exploitation is going on in the most devious and sinister manner and
our governments hardly taken any steps to control it.
In this backdrop, the initiatives taken by the
Rajasthan Government are welcome. Rajasthan will show the way to other states
and the BJP Government in the Centre will do well by not creating any obstacles
in the way. It may be noted here that it was Atal Bihari Vajpayee’s Government,
which had setup the Second Labour Commission under the chairmanship of
former Labour Minister of India, Ravindra Verma and after extensive study
in India and abroad he had submitted the report in two bulky volumes to the
then Prime Minister Shri Atal Bihari Vajpayee. However, in 2004, his government
was voted out of power and in the last ten years there was a complete silence
on the issue the reforms of the labour laws. Since labour laws fall under
concurrent list of Constitution of India, the Rajasthan Government is within
its constitutional rights to take this lead. Once the assembly passes it, it
will have to be sent to the President of India through the Governor of the
State for his assent.
Needless to say, most of the industrialists
from India and abroad have been feeling discouraged to make in large-scale
investment in India because of archaic labour laws. It may be recalled here
that long back when Ram Bilas Paswan was the Communication Minister he had
given the telephone facility to all linemen at their residences. Most of the
people raised objection to it on the ground that it would put extra burden on
the government. However, Shri Paswan gave an apt reply to his critics, which is
still relevant. He said that in any case linemen never make telephone calls to
anybody on payment. They use government telephones during office hours.
Consequently, the work suffers and no monetary profit comes to the kitty of the
government. Then why should there be the hypocrisy of not providing telephone
facility to linemen at there residences? Similarly, in the labour sector we
find that, the employees are appointed on the contract basis and, that too, on
very low payment. Then why should not the Contract Labour Act should be made
flexible to safeguard the interests of employees. Industrial Disputes Act in
the present form has killed many industries and has rendered huge number of
employees to unemployment. So, why can’t it be amended to make it employment
friendly? Likewise, we find that in small factories Labour Inspectors make
money by accepting bribes from the employers and allow the exploitation of the
employees go unabated. Therefore, it does not appeal to reason why the
Factories Act should not be reformed to stop the corruption of the Inspectors.
This will provide freedom to the employees and employers to bargain for higher
wages and facilities. According to a report published in some of the newspapers
the Raje Government has promised to generate employment for millions of young
and able boys and girls in the next five years, if this aim is achieved it will
be laudable.
The need of hour is to create employment with
dignity to youngsters and reasonable freedom to employers. This initiative will
certainly go long way in solving the problems of unemployment. It is expected
that other state government will also follow suit and will not be swayed by the
statements of trade unions and opposition parties.