Gandhi's signal contribution to annihilation of untouchability is
unprecedented. Frankly speaking, no serious attempt was ever made to root out
the inhuman and senseless practice of untouchability before Mahatma Gandhi. It
is beyond our comprehension as from when the practice of untouchability started
in the Hindu society. It is also a matter of great surprise that how the Hindu
society which considers itself to be so tolerant and magnanimous think of
perpetuating this sinful, outrageous and atrocious practice of untouchability?
present generation may not even be able to imagine that how horrendous it was
in nature and practice only a few decades ago. If we go by the historical books
written by reformers, we find the hair-raising and heart-rending saga of the
nefarious practice. It is said that untouchables were not allowed to tread or
traverse on the paths that was being used by caste Hindus. If at all any
untouchable thought of going on that path, he or she had to tie a broom in his
or her waist from behind so that once he or she had moved on the path, it had
to be swept by the broom. So much so, an untouchable was not allowed to use
footwear even at the time of festivals or marriages. Untouchables were not
allowed to cross the path of any caste Hindus.
one goes by the Vedic scriptures, one finds that the classification of Hindu
society was existent but there is no trace of untouchability in any scriptures
at least in theory. Let it be hastened to be added that this does not mean that
society as found during Vedic period was in any way the ideal one. It was
vicious and rotten to say the least. It is, therefore, difficult to exculpate
the Vedic literature or society for perpetrating atrocities on untouchables. In
one of the texts has been ordained that if a Shudra was found to be reading
Vedas or Vedic literature his tongue should be cut and if he hears it then
molten glass should be poured into his ears and there was no harm if he was
blinded for witnessing the Vedic rituals. The authenticity of these terrible
injunctions is not very confirmed. But if one goes by other sources, one finds
its authenticity is dubious. However, this does not in any way exonerates the
Vedic society for its rigours against Shudras. Infact, it conducted itself in
most intolerable and condemnable manner.
is yet another enigma how four Varnas got split into thousands of castes, layer
after layer, each caste and sub-case considering it superior or inferior in
relation to other ones. Over the years it became so fossilized that it was an
easy task for any fissiparous force to take advantage of the divisions and
sub-divisions among Hindus.
type of crime can be committed only by a race which is destined to self-destruction.
It hardly needs to be said that this weakness of Hindus was the reason for
their downfall. Hindus, who have been geographically associated with vast
expanse of South East Asia, were defeated and humiliated number of times by the
foreign aggressors. The assailants although were never very strong, intelligent
or superior in arms as compared to Hindus but they were certainly more cohesive
and united vis-à-vis Hindu adversaries. What is even more shocking is that even
after repeated aggressions by the external forces, Hindus never realized and analyzed
their weaknesses.
actually requires dispassionate research in most objective manner as to how
casteism grew and became monstrously strong. The tragedy is that it is very
difficult to find objective researchers. Most of the persons who claim, rather
deceptively pose themselves, to be researchers suffer from the disease of heavy
jaundice and order to obtain the certificate of secularism they find the easy way
of blaming one or the other caste of Hindus particularly caste Hindus.
(Researchers) aim is not to root-out the evils but to further perpetuate it by
arraigning one section against other and in the process further weaken or
divide the Hindus. The need is to annihilate caste with roots and branches. But
how to achieve the goal is most pertinent question and is to be seriously
pondered over.