Privatization can Save Electric Supply in Uttar Pradesh, but Extremely Difficult in Election Year
The writer of this post has spent many weeks of June in his home village of Azamgarh district of Eastern Uttar Pradesh. He was pleasantly surprised to see that all houses have been electrified and the piped drinking water is supplied to almost all houses. In addition to it, most of the households have not submersible tube wells to back up a twenty-four-hour water supply. LPG cylinders have replaced the smoke-emitting chulhas. Every person in the village holds a mobile phone in his /her hand and the world has shrunk either in their hands or pockets. While these are welcome indices of developments, many evil habits have also set in as their concomitants. There is hardly any family which does not have one or two drinkers of liquors. Cycles have been replaced by bikes causing more pollution. Many families have also got four-wheelers, thanks mainly due to the easement of paved roads connecting every village. Land-cost has got skyrocketed. Small-sized cane crushers have dis...