Crisis of Leadership in The Bar
By: Parmanand Pandey Apart from being a festive season, it is also a season of elections in different Bar Associations of Delhi. The elections of Tis Hazari Bar Association, which is known as Delhi Bar Association will be held in the last week of October and that will be preceded by a week for the elections of Delhi High Court Bar Association. Immediately after DBA’s elections Rohini Bar Association’s elections are to be held. In the first week of December elections for Delhi Bar Council will take place for which the campaigning has reached feverish pitch. Elections are like oxygen for any democratic organisation. They make an organisation lively, the flurry activities of the sitting office bearers and other contestants become conspicuous. For months together members are flooded with phone calls SMS’s and emails. Thanks to the technological revolution in the field of communication, letters have almost been done away with. SMS and sending of Emails have been outsourced. It is a complete...