
Urdu a Divisive Language must be Discouraged

The UP Chief Minister Yogi Adityanath should be congratulated for side-stepping Urdu from the simultaneous translation in the assembly. There is hardly any doubt that except for script, there is no difference between Hindi and Urdu. Its syntax and numbers are the same as those in Hindi. It is only due to some fanatical Muslims that its script is a mix of Persian and Arabic, which has no justification whatsoever. Moreover, these fanatics made Urdu laden with Arabic and Persian words. They saw to it that Urdu remains exclusively the language of Muslims. It is a different matter altogether many non-Muslims have contributed to its literature. In pre-partition days Aligarh Muslim University played a dirty role in driving away the Urdu from the people and the area where it was born. This university and the Urdu language provided the necessary arsenal for the creation of Pakistan. It was because of the hardened communal elements that Urdu was declared the official language of Pakistan alt...

Chhattisgarh High Court Judgment in a Marital Rape Case is Shocking Denial of Justice

  Judgment of acquittal passed by the Chhattisgarh High Court in a case of marital rape where the wife died due to the sexual brutality of the husband is nothing but a mockery of justice. The case belongs to the Jagdalpur district of Chhattigarh. The accused husband, a driver, committed unnatural sex with his wife, and left her in pain, who died in a hospital. In her dying declaration, recorded before a magistrate, the victim alleged that her husband had inserted his hand in her anus, following which she suffered excruciating pain. The woman was admitted to the hospital for treatment, from where a report was made to the police station concerned and the offence under IPC Section 377 (unnatural sex) was registered against her husband. The Indian Evidence Act, 1872, under Section 32 deals with the concept of a “dying declaration”. Usually, a dying declaration is only admitted as evidence in cases where the cause of a person’s death comes into question. This concept is based on the Lat...

Morons like Dayanidhi Maran must be condemned for insulting Sanskrit

Lok Sabha speaker Om Birla must be admired and congratulated for reprimanding the DMK Member of Parliament, Dayanidhi Maran who, on the other day, insulted Sanskrit on the floor of the House by asking a silly question from the Speaker. The speaker informed the House that the facility of simultaneous translation is available in 22 languages. The short speech (intervention) of Dayanidhi Maran was that this facility should be made in Sanskrit, which is not the language of any state. His question exposed him as an illiterate and non-sensical bordering on the brink of insanity. What is most idiotic is that this nincompoop did not have any objection to any other language but only to the translation facility in Sanskrit. Possibly, he is not aware that Sanskrit is the mother of all Indian languages including Tamil, although clowns like him do not accept this fact. It appears that he does not know that even the Tamil of Chennai differs from the Tamil of Madurai and Rameshwaram. Moreover, t...

‘Nexus’ is an immensely captivating book

Yuval Noah Harari is a well-known Jewish writer. His books have been acclaimed all over the world. He teaches history at the Hebrew University of Jerusalem. His book ‘Sapiens, A Brief History of Humankind’ is considered a meticulously researched book on human history. His latest book is ‘Nexus: A Brief History of Information Networks from the Stone Age to AI’. There cannot be any dispute that humans today have much more information and power than in other ages, but we cannot say for certain that our role in the universe is equally better. Science and technology have completely changed human thinking patterns, lifestyles, and interrelationships. Most of the changes have taken place in the last two hundred years but the changes in the last three decades have been mind-boggling. The writer has tried to explain the information, as it is a tool to discover the truth. Its main role is to represent the reality. Religious books like the Vedas, and Torah of Judaism have also been considered to ...

‘Nehru’s India- contains only anti-Modi narratives

Some books are to be tasted, others to be swallowed, and some few to be chewed and digested; that is, some books are to be read only in parts; others to be read, but not curiously; and some few are to be read wholly, and with diligence and attention, so said Francis Bacon. Putting the book ‘Nehru’s India’ by Professor Aditya Mukherjee in any of the above categories is difficult. The book is more like a pamphlet bereft of any seriousness as it does not make any in-depth study about Jawahar Lal Nehru. It can also be called an adulatory hagiography because the author fails to make a critique of Pandit Nehru. The foreword of the book has been written by a known distortionist of history, Irfan Habib. By reading the book anybody will conclude that the writer is a diabolical Modi hater, therefore, everything looks yellow to a person with a jaundiced eye. The writer fails to see or deliberately ignore the fact that the country has made tremendous progress in the last more than ten years of Nar...

Justice Chandrachud will be remembered for modernising the Courts functions

Justice Dr D Y Chandrachud's judgments are in the public domain, and the people will scrutinize them when necessary. However, his administrative reforms are momentous. He is credited with introducing live-streaming of court hearings. As a result, most of the High Courts and even the District Judiciary have followed suit. Now, anybody from any part of the country can watch the court proceedings and the advocates argue their cases. Because of the hybrid hearings, any advocate can argue many cases from around the country, nay the world. There is no need for him/her to rush to the Supreme Court at the time of the hearings. An Advocate can handle many cases by switching with the click of a computer button, which was almost unthinkable before Justice Chandrachud introduced them. E-filing of the cases and curing of defects have become very easy and time savers for the Advocates. Now the case files can be inspected from anywhere. Cause lists of cases are easily available in Advocates' ...

Mughal Rule was the darkest period of Indian history

  Book review of the book BABUR Parmanand Pandey Although I finished reading the book BABUR by Aabhas Maldahiyar almost four months ago, for reference's sake, I had to go through it again. This book was recommended to me by a friend, a well-read veteran journalist Jagdish Upasane, when I visited his house in Raipur a few months ago. There is no doubt that the book epitomises deep learning and, the painstaking hard work of the Author. The Mughal rule was established by Babur, who came from Ferghana. He lived only for 47 years and ruled in India only for three years. He had a diabolical hatred for Hindus and Buddhists and his insensitivity knew no bounds. During the entire Mughal rule, India remained an exploited and backward country. Some pro-Mughal historians keep on saying day and night that, unlike Britishers, Mughals did not loot Indian money to be sent abroad. But there is no denying the fact that despite vast resources at their command they did no deve...